This Actually IS a Health Policy Blog………

This set of photos is only to get your attention

While this may look kind of scary, it was life-saving for this man. While this may look kind of scary, it was life-saving for this man.

The articles are not this gross……hopefully.

Why did I put these photos here ?

Well, it is a bit of a story – every lecture is actually a story.  I was giving a lecture at the University of Wisconsin at Madison and asked one of the people I met – a wizard and critic of popular media – to look at this site.  “Why is it”, I asked, “that despite these timely pieces there is so little action on this blog?”

Rather than tell me that it was because the pieces were not that good – a possibility ! – he referred to the lack of photos on the opening page.  And the fact that the opening page was all text; too much text.

This is what happens to unwary golfers This is what happens to unwary golfers. Another reason to NOT golf.

So, that is why you see this stuff.

Layon ICU rounds Layon ICU rounds at Shands Hospital at the University of Florida.

Please let me know if this change worked.

AJ Layon

3 Responses to This Actually IS a Health Policy Blog………

  1. Maybe the pix will help. Wishing you fair winds and following seas.
    Tom Papadimos, MD, MPH, The Ohio State University, Dept of Anesthesiology, Columbus, Ohio.

  2. Tom Kane says:

    Your factual editorials are amazing. If only voters would wake up and stop the evil greedmongers who are bloodsucking our Country. Thank you so much for the service you do Humanity with your writings. I’m a tree-hugging Liberal Atheist against all social injustice. Why aren’t the smart people out caring and out voting the ignorant brainwashed people.

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